If you are currently looking for another game to play and love Summoners War then
you’re in luck! Today we’ll be going over another gacha game that is taking the world by
storm. What is this awesome, beautiful game? It’s the one and only Genshin Impact!
Currently I am playing Summoners War and Genshin together so this is a more in dept
review of both games side by side. They are both great because they are similar but
different in all the best ways. Let’s take a deep dive if you are in the fence of trying
Genshin Impact.

What’s similar?
Both Summoners War and Genshin Impact are gacha games and are free to play. In
Summoners War you use scrolls to summon monsters/characters and in Genshin you
use wishes. They both require team composition and strategy which means knowing
elemental weaknesses and strengths.
Both games require sets needed to be farmed to power up your characters. In
Summoners War they are known as runes, and in Genshin they are artifacts. These are
farmable via dungeons to make your character stronger. They both also have an infinite
growth system, which means you can make your characters nearly limitlessly stronger.
What’s different?
Platforms. Let’s start with where you can play. Summoners War is only available via
mobile or you can play on PC via Facebook. Genshin Impact is more diverse in their
availability on Mobile, Xbox, PS4, and PC.
Gameplay. Summoners War is a turn cycle base game that allows you to auto farm.
Also, SW has both PvE and PvP elements that varies on your playstyle preference.
Genshin is an open world RPG hack and slash. It’s more story driven and focuses its
entire attention on PvE and teamwork with other players to take down dungeons and
bosses. Exploration is also a major aspect to Genshin as you will need to explore the
map to find all the dungeons, treasures, materials, and specific enemies.
Characters. Summoners War has well over 1,000 characters to choose from. SW’s vast
amount of diverse characters and skills require a lot for strategic planning than your
typical game. It takes a long time to understand all the nuances of each character.
Genshin as of 2022 has 50+ characters. Though there’s far less characters, knowledge
of team composition, swap patterns, and elemental reactions are required to progress in
the game.

Pros & Cons
Summoners War
● History: SW just celebrated their 8th year anniversary and is still going strong. This
● Rewards: They have a really great reward system and are very generous at
times especially during their anniversary events.
● Rewarding PvP as long as you research and learn team compositions.
● Auto Farming allows you to not have to spend your entire focus on the game as
you grind to become stronger. This feature is a great asset to the game.
● Just like any PvP game, it can get a little toxic at times.
● RNG plays a large role in battles, especially with Violent Runes and Proccing all
the time. This can be extremely frustrating and even break the game at times.
● There’s no exploration as the characters are fixed in a typical turn cycle game.
Genshin Impact
● Beautiful world with rewarding exploration perks.
● Very active combat as you control the characters. The combat also feels very
● Very strong character and plot stories.
● Character effects carry over as you swap allowing for very fun and creative team
● Playerbase. Genshin has one of the largest playerbase of any RPG at roughly 50
million active players based on ActivePlayer.
● Community. Genshin focuses on working together. This means that the
community is the least toxic of any gaming community I’ve been a part of. I’ve
also met a lot of friends here and love helping lower levels defeat bosses they
would struggle with on their own.
● History. Genshin has a shorter history as it is 6 and a half years younger than
● Reward system seems very stingy. As the game is new it seems Mihoyo has yet
to find the reward system that is perfect for the game.
● Ability to only farm dungeons a few times a day due to their very low resin
“energy” cap.
As you can see both have their similarities and differences. What I like about Genshin is
that it fulfills the roles that SW cannot and vice versa. I feel as though these two games
balance each other out very well. SW is more of a PvP focused game while Genshin is
more based on PvE and working together with friends. This is refreshing after a
frustrating RTA session in SW. Either way, I highly recommend both games as they are
amazing and fill separate needs. Give it a try! Both are F2P afterall!